21 Edge Virtualization #
This section describes how you can use Edge Virtualization to run virtual machines on your edge nodes. Edge Virtualization is designed for lightweight virtualization use-cases, where it is expected that a common workflow for the deployment and management of both virtualized and containerized applications will be utilized.
SUSE Edge Virtualization supports two methods of running virtual machines:
Deploying the virtual machines manually via libvirt+qemu-kvm at the host level (where Kubernetes is not involved)
Deploying the KubeVirt operator for Kubernetes-based management of virtual machines
Both options are valid, but only the second one is covered below. If you want to use the standard out-of-the box virtualization mechanisms provided by SUSE Linux Micro, a comprehensive guide can be found here, and whilst it was primarily written for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, the concepts are almost identical.
This guide initially explains how to deploy the additional virtualization components onto a system that has already been pre-deployed, but follows with a section that describes how to embed this configuration in the initial deployment via Edge Image Builder. If you do not want to run through the basics and set things up manually, skip right ahead to that section.
21.1 KubeVirt overview #
KubeVirt allows for managing Virtual Machines with Kubernetes alongside the rest of your containerized workloads. It does this by running the user space portion of the Linux virtualization stack in a container. This minimizes the requirements on the host system, allowing for easier setup and management.
Details about KubeVirt’s architecture can be found in the upstream documentation.
21.2 Prerequisites #
If you are following this guide, we assume you have the following already available:
At least one physical host with SUSE Linux Micro 6.0 installed, and with virtualization extensions enabled in the BIOS (see here for details).
Across your nodes, a K3s/RKE2 Kubernetes cluster already deployed and with an appropriate
that enables superuser access to the cluster.Access to the root user — these instructions assume you are the root user, and not escalating your privileges via
.You have Helm available locally with an adequate network connection to be able to push configurations to your Kubernetes cluster and download the required images.
21.3 Manual installation of Edge Virtualization #
This guide will not walk you through the deployment of Kubernetes, but it assumes that you have either installed the SUSE Edge-appropriate version of K3s or RKE2 and that you have your kubeconfig configured accordingly so that standard kubectl
commands can be executed as the superuser. We assume your node forms a single-node cluster, although there are no significant differences expected for multi-node deployments.
SUSE Edge Virtualization is deployed via three separate Helm charts, specifically:
KubeVirt: The core virtualization components, that is, Kubernetes CRDs, operators and other components required for enabling Kubernetes to deploy and manage virtual machines.
KubeVirt Dashboard Extension: An optional Rancher UI extension that allows basic virtual machine management, for example, starting/stopping of virtual machines as well as accessing the console.
Containerized Data Importer (CDI): An additional component that enables persistent-storage integration for KubeVirt, providing capabilities for virtual machines to use existing Kubernetes storage back-ends for data, but also allowing users to import or clone data volumes for virtual machines.
Each of these Helm charts is versioned according to the SUSE Edge release you are currently using. For production/supported usage, employ the artifacts that can be found in the SUSE Registry.
First, ensure that your kubectl
access is working:
$ kubectl get nodes
This should show something similar to the following:
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION node1.edge.rdo.wales Ready control-plane,etcd,master 4h20m v1.30.5+rke2r1 node2.edge.rdo.wales Ready control-plane,etcd,master 4h15m v1.30.5+rke2r1 node3.edge.rdo.wales Ready control-plane,etcd,master 4h15m v1.30.5+rke2r1
Now you can proceed to install the KubeVirt and Containerized Data Importer (CDI) Helm charts:
$ helm install kubevirt oci://registry.suse.com/edge/3.2/kubevirt-chart --namespace kubevirt-system --create-namespace $ helm install cdi oci://registry.suse.com/edge/3.2/cdi-chart --namespace cdi-system --create-namespace
In a few minutes, you should have all KubeVirt and CDI components deployed. You can validate this by checking all the deployed resources in the kubevirt-system
and cdi-system
Verify KubeVirt resources:
$ kubectl get all -n kubevirt-system
This should show something similar to the following:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/virt-operator-5fbcf48d58-p7xpm 1/1 Running 0 2m24s pod/virt-operator-5fbcf48d58-wnf6s 1/1 Running 0 2m24s pod/virt-handler-t594x 1/1 Running 0 93s pod/virt-controller-5f84c69884-cwjvd 1/1 Running 1 (64s ago) 93s pod/virt-controller-5f84c69884-xxw6q 1/1 Running 1 (64s ago) 93s pod/virt-api-7dfc54cf95-v8kcl 1/1 Running 1 (59s ago) 118s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/kubevirt-prometheus-metrics ClusterIP None <none> 443/TCP 2m1s service/virt-api ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 2m1s service/kubevirt-operator-webhook ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 2m1s service/virt-exportproxy ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 2m1s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE NODE SELECTOR AGE daemonset.apps/virt-handler 1 1 1 1 1 kubernetes.io/os=linux 93s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/virt-operator 2/2 2 2 2m24s deployment.apps/virt-controller 2/2 2 2 93s deployment.apps/virt-api 1/1 1 1 118s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/virt-operator-5fbcf48d58 2 2 2 2m24s replicaset.apps/virt-controller-5f84c69884 2 2 2 93s replicaset.apps/virt-api-7dfc54cf95 1 1 1 118s NAME AGE PHASE kubevirt.kubevirt.io/kubevirt 2m24s Deployed
Verify CDI resources:
$ kubectl get all -n cdi-system
This should show something similar to the following:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/cdi-operator-55c74f4b86-692xb 1/1 Running 0 2m24s pod/cdi-apiserver-db465b888-62lvr 1/1 Running 0 2m21s pod/cdi-deployment-56c7d74995-mgkfn 1/1 Running 0 2m21s pod/cdi-uploadproxy-7d7b94b968-6kxc2 1/1 Running 0 2m22s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/cdi-uploadproxy ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 2m22s service/cdi-api ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 2m22s service/cdi-prometheus-metrics ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 2m21s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/cdi-operator 1/1 1 1 2m24s deployment.apps/cdi-apiserver 1/1 1 1 2m22s deployment.apps/cdi-deployment 1/1 1 1 2m21s deployment.apps/cdi-uploadproxy 1/1 1 1 2m22s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/cdi-operator-55c74f4b86 1 1 1 2m24s replicaset.apps/cdi-apiserver-db465b888 1 1 1 2m21s replicaset.apps/cdi-deployment-56c7d74995 1 1 1 2m21s replicaset.apps/cdi-uploadproxy-7d7b94b968 1 1 1 2m22s
To verify that the VirtualMachine
custom resource definitions (CRDs) are deployed, you can validate with:
$ kubectl explain virtualmachine
This should print out the definition of the VirtualMachine
object, which should print as follows:
GROUP: kubevirt.io KIND: VirtualMachine VERSION: v1 DESCRIPTION: VirtualMachine handles the VirtualMachines that are not running or are in a stopped state The VirtualMachine contains the template to create the VirtualMachineInstance. It also mirrors the running state of the created VirtualMachineInstance in its status. (snip)
21.4 Deploying virtual machines #
Now that KubeVirt and CDI are deployed, let us define a simple virtual machine based on openSUSE Tumbleweed. This virtual machine has the most simple of configurations, using standard "pod networking" for a networking configuration identical to any other pod. It also employs non-persistent storage, ensuring the storage is ephemeral, just like in any container that does not have a PVC.
$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1 kind: VirtualMachine metadata: name: tumbleweed namespace: default spec: runStrategy: Always template: spec: domain: devices: {} machine: type: q35 memory: guest: 2Gi resources: {} volumes: - containerDisk: image: registry.opensuse.org/home/roxenham/tumbleweed-container-disk/containerfile/cloud-image:latest name: tumbleweed-containerdisk-0 - cloudInitNoCloud: userDataBase64: I2Nsb3VkLWNvbmZpZwpkaXNhYmxlX3Jvb3Q6IGZhbHNlCnNzaF9wd2F1dGg6IFRydWUKdXNlcnM6CiAgLSBkZWZhdWx0CiAgLSBuYW1lOiBzdXNlCiAgICBncm91cHM6IHN1ZG8KICAgIHNoZWxsOiAvYmluL2Jhc2gKICAgIHN1ZG86ICBBTEw9KEFMTCkgTk9QQVNTV0Q6QUxMCiAgICBsb2NrX3Bhc3N3ZDogRmFsc2UKICAgIHBsYWluX3RleHRfcGFzc3dkOiAnc3VzZScK name: cloudinitdisk EOF
This should print that a VirtualMachine
was created:
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/tumbleweed created
This VirtualMachine
definition is minimal, specifying little about the configuration. It simply outlines that it is a machine type "q35" with 2 GB of memory that uses a disk image based on an ephemeral containerDisk
(that is, a disk image that is stored in a container image from a remote image repository), and specifies a base64 encoded cloudInit disk, which we only use for user creation and password enforcement at boot time (use base64 -d
to decode it).
NoteThis virtual machine image is only for testing. The image is not officially supported and is only meant as a documentation example.
This machine takes a few minutes to boot as it needs to download the openSUSE Tumbleweed disk image, but once it has done so, you can view further details about the virtual machine by checking the virtual machine information:
$ kubectl get vmi
This should print the node that the virtual machine was started on, and the IP address of the virtual machine. Remember, since it uses pod networking, the reported IP address will be just like any other pod, and routable as such:
NAME AGE PHASE IP NODENAME READY tumbleweed 4m24s Running node3.edge.rdo.wales True
When running these commands on the Kubernetes cluster nodes themselves, with a CNI that routes traffic directly to pods (for example, Cilium), you should be able to ssh
directly to the machine itself. Substitute the following IP address with the one that was assigned to your virtual machine:
$ ssh suse@ (password is "suse")
Once you are in this virtual machine, you can play around, but remember that it is limited in terms of resources, and only has 1 GB disk space. When you are finished, Ctrl-D
or exit
to disconnect from the SSH session.
The virtual machine process is still wrapped in a standard Kubernetes pod. The VirtualMachine
CRD is a representation of the desired virtual machine, but the process in which the virtual machine is actually started is via the virt-launcher
pod, a standard Kubernetes pod, just like any other application. For every virtual machine started, you can see there is a virt-launcher
$ kubectl get pods
This should then show the one virt-launcher
pod for the Tumbleweed machine that we have defined:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE virt-launcher-tumbleweed-8gcn4 3/3 Running 0 10m
If we take a look into this virt-launcher
pod, you see it is executing libvirt
and qemu-kvm
processes. We can enter the pod itself and have a look under the covers, noting that you need to adapt the following command for your pod name:
$ kubectl exec -it virt-launcher-tumbleweed-8gcn4 -- bash
Once you are in the pod, try running virsh
commands along with looking at the processes. You will see the qemu-system-x86_64
binary running, along with certain processes for monitoring the virtual machine. You will also see the location of the disk image and how the networking is plugged (as a tap device):
qemu@tumbleweed:/> ps ax PID TTY STAT TIME COMMAND 1 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/bin/virt-launcher-monitor --qemu-timeout 269s --name tumbleweed --uid b9655c11-38f7-4fa8-8f5d-bfe987dab42c --namespace default --kubevirt-share-dir /var/run/kubevirt --ephemeral-disk-dir /var/run/kubevirt-ephemeral-disks --container-disk-dir /var/run/kube 12 ? Sl 0:01 /usr/bin/virt-launcher --qemu-timeout 269s --name tumbleweed --uid b9655c11-38f7-4fa8-8f5d-bfe987dab42c --namespace default --kubevirt-share-dir /var/run/kubevirt --ephemeral-disk-dir /var/run/kubevirt-ephemeral-disks --container-disk-dir /var/run/kubevirt/con 24 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/sbin/virtlogd -f /etc/libvirt/virtlogd.conf 25 ? Sl 0:01 /usr/sbin/virtqemud -f /var/run/libvirt/virtqemud.conf 83 ? Sl 0:31 /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -name guest=default_tumbleweed,debug-threads=on -S -object {"qom-type":"secret","id":"masterKey0","format":"raw","file":"/var/run/kubevirt-private/libvirt/qemu/lib/domain-1-default_tumbleweed/master-key.aes"} -machine pc-q35-7.1,usb 286 pts/0 Ss 0:00 bash 320 pts/0 R+ 0:00 ps ax qemu@tumbleweed:/> virsh list --all Id Name State ------------------------------------ 1 default_tumbleweed running qemu@tumbleweed:/> virsh domblklist 1 Target Source --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sda /var/run/kubevirt-ephemeral-disks/disk-data/tumbleweed-containerdisk-0/disk.qcow2 sdb /var/run/kubevirt-ephemeral-disks/cloud-init-data/default/tumbleweed/noCloud.iso qemu@tumbleweed:/> virsh domiflist 1 Interface Type Source Model MAC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tap0 ethernet - virtio-non-transitional e6:e9:1a:05:c0:92 qemu@tumbleweed:/> exit exit
Finally, let us delete this virtual machine to clean up:
$ kubectl delete vm/tumbleweed virtualmachine.kubevirt.io "tumbleweed" deleted
21.5 Using virtctl #
Along with the standard Kubernetes CLI tooling, that is, kubectl
, KubeVirt comes with an accompanying CLI utility that allows you to interface with your cluster in a way that bridges some gaps between the virtualization world and the world that Kubernetes was designed for. For example, the virtctl
tool provides the capability of managing the lifecycle of virtual machines (starting, stopping, restarting, etc.), providing access to the virtual consoles, uploading virtual machine images, as well as interfacing with Kubernetes constructs such as services, without using the API or CRDs directly.
Let us download the latest stable version of the virtctl
$ export VERSION=v1.3.1 $ wget https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/releases/download/$VERSION/virtctl-$VERSION-linux-amd64
If you are using a different architecture or a non-Linux machine, you can find other releases here. You need to make this executable before proceeding, and it may be useful to move it to a location within your $PATH
$ mv virtctl-$VERSION-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/virtctl $ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/virtctl
You can then use the virtctl
command-line tool to create virtual machines. Let us replicate our previous virtual machine, noting that we are piping the output directly into kubectl apply
$ virtctl create vm --name virtctl-example --memory=1Gi \ --volume-containerdisk=src:registry.opensuse.org/home/roxenham/tumbleweed-container-disk/containerfile/cloud-image:latest \ --cloud-init-user-data "I2Nsb3VkLWNvbmZpZwpkaXNhYmxlX3Jvb3Q6IGZhbHNlCnNzaF9wd2F1dGg6IFRydWUKdXNlcnM6CiAgLSBkZWZhdWx0CiAgLSBuYW1lOiBzdXNlCiAgICBncm91cHM6IHN1ZG8KICAgIHNoZWxsOiAvYmluL2Jhc2gKICAgIHN1ZG86ICBBTEw9KEFMTCkgTk9QQVNTV0Q6QUxMCiAgICBsb2NrX3Bhc3N3ZDogRmFsc2UKICAgIHBsYWluX3RleHRfcGFzc3dkOiAnc3VzZScK" | kubectl apply -f -
This should then show the virtual machine running (it should start a lot quicker this time given that the container image will be cached):
$ kubectl get vmi NAME AGE PHASE IP NODENAME READY virtctl-example 52s Running node3.edge.rdo.wales True
Now we can use virtctl
to connect directly to the virtual machine:
$ virtctl ssh suse@virtctl-example (password is "suse" - Ctrl-D to exit)
There are plenty of other commands that can be used by virtctl
. For example, virtctl console
can give you access to the serial console if networking is not working, and you can use virtctl guestosinfo
to get comprehensive OS information, subject to the guest having the qemu-guest-agent
installed and running.
Finally, let us pause and resume the virtual machine:
$ virtctl pause vm virtctl-example VMI virtctl-example was scheduled to pause
You find that the VirtualMachine
object shows as Paused and the VirtualMachineInstance
object shows as Running but READY=False:
$ kubectl get vm NAME AGE STATUS READY virtctl-example 8m14s Paused False $ kubectl get vmi NAME AGE PHASE IP NODENAME READY virtctl-example 8m15s Running node3.edge.rdo.wales False
You also find that you can no longer connect to the virtual machine:
$ virtctl ssh suse@virtctl-example can't access VMI virtctl-example: Operation cannot be fulfilled on virtualmachineinstance.kubevirt.io "virtctl-example": VMI is paused
Let us resume the virtual machine and try again:
$ virtctl unpause vm virtctl-example VMI virtctl-example was scheduled to unpause
Now we should be able to re-establish a connection:
$ virtctl ssh suse@virtctl-example suse@vmi/virtctl-example.default's password: suse@virtctl-example:~> exit logout
Finally, let us remove the virtual machine:
$ kubectl delete vm/virtctl-example virtualmachine.kubevirt.io "virtctl-example" deleted
21.6 Simple ingress networking #
In this section, we show how you can expose virtual machines as standard Kubernetes services and make them available via the Kubernetes ingress service, for example, NGINX with RKE2 or Traefik with K3s. This document assumes that these components are already configured appropriately and that you have an appropriate DNS pointer, for example, via a wild card, to point at your Kubernetes server nodes or your ingress virtual IP for proper ingress resolution.
NoteIn SUSE Edge 3.1+, if you are using K3s in a multi-server node configuration, you might have needed to configure a MetalLB-based VIP for Ingress; this is not required for RKE2.
In the example environment, another openSUSE Tumbleweed virtual machine is deployed, cloud-init is used to install NGINX as a simple Web server at boot time, and a simple message is configured to be returned to verify that it works as expected when a call is made. To see how this is done, simply base64 -d
the cloud-init section in the output below.
Let us create this virtual machine now:
$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1 kind: VirtualMachine metadata: name: ingress-example namespace: default spec: runStrategy: Always template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: domain: devices: {} machine: type: q35 memory: guest: 2Gi resources: {} volumes: - containerDisk: image: registry.opensuse.org/home/roxenham/tumbleweed-container-disk/containerfile/cloud-image:latest name: tumbleweed-containerdisk-0 - cloudInitNoCloud: userDataBase64: I2Nsb3VkLWNvbmZpZwpkaXNhYmxlX3Jvb3Q6IGZhbHNlCnNzaF9wd2F1dGg6IFRydWUKdXNlcnM6CiAgLSBkZWZhdWx0CiAgLSBuYW1lOiBzdXNlCiAgICBncm91cHM6IHN1ZG8KICAgIHNoZWxsOiAvYmluL2Jhc2gKICAgIHN1ZG86ICBBTEw9KEFMTCkgTk9QQVNTV0Q6QUxMCiAgICBsb2NrX3Bhc3N3ZDogRmFsc2UKICAgIHBsYWluX3RleHRfcGFzc3dkOiAnc3VzZScKcnVuY21kOgogIC0genlwcGVyIGluIC15IG5naW54CiAgLSBzeXN0ZW1jdGwgZW5hYmxlIC0tbm93IG5naW54CiAgLSBlY2hvICJJdCB3b3JrcyEiID4gL3Nydi93d3cvaHRkb2NzL2luZGV4Lmh0bQo= name: cloudinitdisk EOF
When this virtual machine has successfully started, we can use the virtctl
command to expose the VirtualMachineInstance
with an external port of 8080
and a target port of 80
(where NGINX listens by default). We use the virtctl
command here as it understands the mapping between the virtual machine object and the pod. This creates a new service for us:
$ virtctl expose vmi ingress-example --port=8080 --target-port=80 --name=ingress-example Service ingress-example successfully exposed for vmi ingress-example
We will then have an appropriate service automatically created:
$ kubectl get svc/ingress-example NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE ingress-example ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 9s
Next, if you then use kubectl create ingress
, we can create an ingress object that points to this service. Adapt the URL (known as the "host" in the ingress object) here to match your DNS configuration and ensure that you point it to port 8080
$ kubectl create ingress ingress-example --rule=ingress-example.suse.local/=ingress-example:8080
With DNS being configured correctly, you should be able to curl the URL immediately:
$ curl ingress-example.suse.local It works!
Let us clean up by removing this virtual machine and its service and ingress resources:
$ kubectl delete vm/ingress-example svc/ingress-example ingress/ingress-example virtualmachine.kubevirt.io "ingress-example" deleted service "ingress-example" deleted ingress.networking.k8s.io "ingress-example" deleted
21.7 Using the Rancher UI extension #
SUSE Edge Virtualization provides a UI extension for Rancher Manager, enabling basic virtual machine management using the Rancher dashboard UI.
21.7.1 Installation #
See Rancher Dashboard Extensions (Chapter 6, Rancher Dashboard Extensions) for installation guidance.
21.7.2 Using KubeVirt Rancher Dashboard Extension #
The extension introduces a new KubeVirt section to the Cluster Explorer. This section is added to any managed cluster which has KubeVirt installed.
The extension allows you to directly interact with two KubeVirt resources:
Virtual Machine instances
— A resource representing a single running virtual machine instance.Virtual Machines
— A resource used to manage virtual machines lifecycle. Creating a virtual machine #
Navigate to Cluster Explorer clicking KubeVirt-enabled managed cluster in the left navigation.
Navigate to KubeVirt > Virtual Machines page and click
Create from YAML
in the upper right of the screen.Fill in or paste a virtual machine definition and press
. Use virtual machine definition from Deploying Virtual Machines section as an inspiration. Starting and stopping virtual machines #
Start and stop virtual machines using the action menu accessed from the ⋮ drop-down list to the right of each virtual machine or use group actions at the top of the list by selecting virtual machines to perform the action on.
It is possible to run start and stop actions only on the virtual machines which have spec.running
property defined. In case when spec.runStrategy
is used, it is not possible to directly start and stop such a machine. For more information, see KubeVirt documentation. Accessing virtual machine console #
The "Virtual machines" list provides a Console
drop-down list that allows to connect to the machine using VNC or Serial Console. This action is only available to running machines.
In some cases, it takes a short while before the console is accessible on a freshly started virtual machine.
21.8 Installing with Edge Image Builder #
SUSE Edge is using Chapter 11, Edge Image Builder in order to customize base SUSE Linux Micro OS images. Follow Section 27.9, “KubeVirt and CDI Installation” for an air-gapped installation of both KubeVirt and CDI on top of Kubernetes clusters provisioned by EIB.